Selection of Christmas Dinners and Brunches
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Eiffel Tower Christmas Eve Dinner at JULES VERNE
Christmas eve on Dec. 24th. at the gastronomic JULES VERNE restaurant 7:30PM / 8PM & 9PM seating
Ch1 A
per person drinks included
500 Euros |

Eiffel Tower Christmas day LUNCH (Dec. 25th. ) at JULES VERNE
Ch1 A
per person drinks included
400 Euros |

Christmas on Champs Elysees Traditional French Restaurant

Menu de Noel
Christmas menu-available Christmas eve dec. 24th. and 25th. lunch & dinner
Mini boudins blanc, pomme fruit et sauce moutarde à l'ancienne
Small white Christmas sausages, apples, & mustard old fashion sauce
Escalope de foie gras de canard, risotto et sauce crémé au porto blanc
Duck foie gras, risotto, & cream porto sauce
Suprême de poulet fermier forestier, coffre de navet et purée maison
Farm raised breast of chicken, homemade purée,
Bûche blanche de Noël (meringue, marron, chantilly)
White Christmas log ( Meringue, chestnut, and whipped cream)
80€ per person with drinks (1/2 bottle of water, 1/2 wine included & coffee)


Price : 120e per person
- Lunch Chez Clément St Michel at 12:30am
- See the menu
- 1 hour cruise by the Seine
- Departure of the cruises every 45 min
- Children rate for -12 years old
Come in family to celebrate Christmas with a special lunch in the famous restaurant "Chez Clément" located in Latin Quarter area, following by a Seine cruise to discover the magic of Paris by night. SPECIAL OFFER - 25TH OF DECEMBER !
Lunch at the restaurant Chez Clément Saint Michel at 12:30am :
Located in the very heart of the Latin Quarter, near Notre-Dame, the restaurant « Chez Clément St Michel » is a lovely place where modernity and simplicity are mixed with traditional cooking. You will be charmed by the friendly welcome and decoration which will make a success for your New Year evening.
>> The departure of the cruise is at 200m of the restaurant
Cruise after your lunch : Free departure, departures every 45mn
The Seine is in the very heart of Paris. The crew member will be pleased to welcome you for an unbelievable moment. Starting at the centre of Paris, you will discover the most beautiful monuments of the city : Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Orsay, Notre-Dame... During this boat trip, you will also see quaysides, bridges and banks which liven up the Parisian life.

Traditional French Christmas Eve Dinner or Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas menu-available Christmas Eve Dec 24th Dinner and Dec 25th Lunch only. (Italian restaurant)
Menu de Noel
Duo de Saumon Mariné et Fumé
Marinated and Smoked Salmon
Raviolone au Foie Gras et homard, Sauce
marsala et magret fumé
Pasta stuffed with duck liver and lobster,
Marsala sauce
and smoked duck
Chapon Rôti, Purée Truffée
Roast Capon with truffled mashed potatoes
Surprise de Noël
Christmas surprise
100 € p/p (drinks not included)

Traditional French Christmas Eve Dinner near Champs elysées

Christmas menu-available Christmas Eve Dec 24th Dinner only
Menu de Noel
Christmas Menu - 100 € per person (drinks not included)
Glass of Champagne « Pommery » Brut Royal
Terrine of Duck Foie Gras and Quince jelly
Filleted of Roast Capon with Chestnuts, Sauteed Potatoes and Polenta
Goat Cheese and Mixed salad with Grapeseed Oil
Duet of Christmas Log Cake from Iced Nougat and Chocolate Mandarin

Hotel Ritz Paris *****

To celebrate the end of the year the Ritz hotel with Swaroski have created a magical atmosphere : twenty foot christmas tree decorated with multitude of silver decorations, silver decoration in the Salon for the tea & brunch, christmas decoration on Place Vendôme
Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day at gastronomic Espadon restaurant and a private tour of Paris for (4h, guide + transport)
DECEMBER 24 2009
Foie gras aux saveurs de Noël cuit dans un vin chaud,
marmelade d'agrumes
Raviole de langoustines,
artichauts de Bretagne à la truffe noire
Bar croustillant au cresson,
couteaux et coquillages au caviar Impérial
Poularde de Bresse contisée à la truffe,
légumes d'hiver cuits au jus, cuisses à la feuille d'or
Fourme d'Ambert aux mendiants en chaud-froid
Perce neige à la fraise des bois
Poire pochée à la cardamome,
crème légère au chocolat et glace caramel
Café et mignardises
Les Vins
Champagne Louis Roederer 2003
Meursault Tessons Girardin 2006
Château de Sales 2004
Ch2 A
2 persons
1820 Euros wines
Christmas Eve at the Bar Vendôme and a Private Guide in Paris (4h) to visit the LOUVRE

Christmas foie gras prepared in a mulled wine,
citrus fruit marmalade
Turkey with truffle,
winter vegetables stew and gold leaves
Poached pears with cardamom,
chocolate lightly mousse and toffee ice cream
Ch2 B
2 persons
700 Euros |
Christmas Day gastronomic Espadon Restaurant and a Private Tour of Paris (4h, guide + transport)

Foie gras aux saveurs de Noël, cuit dans un vin chaud,
marmelade d'agrumes
Bar croustillant au cresson,
couteaux et coquillages au caviar Impérial
Poularde de Bresse contisée à la truffe,
légumes d'hiver cuits au jus, cuisses à la feuille d'or
Fourme d'Ambert aux mendiants en chaud-froid
Perce neige à la fraise des bois
Poire pochée à la cardamome,
crème légère au chocolat et glace caramel
Café et mignardises
Les Vins
Champagne Louis Roederer 2003
Meursault Tessons Girardin 2006
Château de Sales 2004
Ch3 A
2 persons
1620 Euros wines included
Christmas tea any afternoon in December A PRIVATE Tour to the Louvre (or any museum of your choice)
Pick up at your hotel by a driver guide licensed for museums at 1pm, Private Da Vinci Code Tour (4h private tour, Louvre entrance tickets taken in advance) will include the Louvre and the Saint Sulpice Church, drop off the Ritz at 5pm for a tea with champagne transfer back hotel included at 7pm.
2 persons
1010 Euros
4 persons
1130 Euros
6 persons
1280 Euros
** possiblility to have a brunch at the Ritz on sunday and then the Da Vinci Code Tour, please email us for prices.
Christmas Day Brunch RITZ BAR VENDOME and a Private Tour of Paris (4h, guide + transport)
2 persons
950 Euros champagne included

Hotel Crillon *****
Wonderful and unique palace overlooking the Concorde square.
Christmas Eve at the gastronomic Restaurant "les Ambassadeurs"

Ch6 A
per adult & child
500 euros, drinks not included |
Christmas Day Brunch
Ch6 B
per adult
150 euros with champagne |
Ch6 B
per child
70 euros, with juices included |
Christmas tea at the Hotel Crillon, every afternoon in December
Ch6 C
per person
70 euros, with champagne included |

Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day at gastronomic Espadon restaurant and a private tour of Paris for (4h, guide + transport)

DECEMBER 24 TH. 2011
Home made Christmas foie gras cooked in a warm and spicy
wine, stewed citrus fruits
Crab "aspic" with gold leaf and marinated sea scallops with lime
Fillet of line caught sea bass with Imperial caviar, Dublin bay prawn « vol-au-vent » and truffled quenelle
Traditional Ritz free-range capon, legs served in Ballotine with chestnuts and souffléed potatoes
Selection of French matured cheeses Wild strawberry granita in pink grapefruit juice
Ivory chocolate sphere and frozen Yuzu, sugar crystalline
Wines & Champagnes
Champagne Laurent-Perrier Brut Millésimé 2002 Saint-Aubin "Remilly" J.M. Morey 2009 Saint-Julien Château Moulin Riche 2001
Les Vins
Champagne Louis Roederer 2003
Meursault Tessons Girardin 2006
Château de Sales 2004
Ch2 A
2 persons
1820 Euros wines included
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Please email us if you would like more information.